Monday, November 4, 2013

Post Halloween Blahs?

During breaks between scaring up an agent, here's a few cool stories I found lurking in the weeds of the Internet:

From Beyond the Grave...
Don't let the magic of Halloween end! The folks over at the Morning News get into the Halloween spirit, and go grave digging with a desolate widower. What happens when they open the coffin? Depends who wrote the ending.

Messiah, complex
Hobart Pulp's website offers the story of guy who wishes he hadn't answered the phone. All sorts of things happen if you answer the phone, from giving advice to running the world.

Another Turkish Fairy Tale
A tale of a wise Cadi (Judge), and a camel dispute. Also works as a Turksih precursor to Sherlock Holmes mysteries. Or Encyclopedia Brown. Or, whatever.

Photo-essay of the week, via Wired and Nolan Conway.
I'm American born 'n raised but for now I live in Turkey. And I have a nice place, but I think I share the nomadic impulse with these people and their RVs and campers and station wagons, driving all over America looking for whatever it is they're looking for.

We just went about our wanderlust in different ways. My wife and I like to stick around for a while; these folk head for Wal-mart every night. Who knew the nation's biggest host of American Roma would also be its biggest symbol of corporate evil? Makes you wonder: maybe they're not all bad.

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