Monday, February 6, 2012

The MZD: FAQ continued

Since last I posted, there have been several more questions for me to answer: Here they are.

Q: So, what's The MZD about?
A: Okay, it's about this: Legions of walking undead are roaming the streets of South Jeolla province. All westerners know things change fast in South Korea, but a contagion of murderous horror is a bit too much. Now they’re running for their lives, and looking for help anywhere they can get it. Can the US Army help? Does a rogue filmmaker hold the secret to stop the destruction? Read now to discover the secret horror of... The MZD.

Q: How long did it take you to write?
A: I started in October, during 'desk-warming' time at school. I banged out a page or two a day till I had a hundred pages, then stopped. Then a re-wrote the whole thing a couple times.

Q: Can I get a free copy?
A: Sure. If you promise to do a (hopefully positive) Goodreads or Amazon review, I can send you a copy in kindle, nook, ebook, or .pdf format. Just leave a comment with your email address and I'll get one out to you. *quantities limited.

Q: And, what does The MZD stand for?
A: Well, that's a good question. I knew when I started, but kinda forgot as I went on, and now I just think it's kind of cool. If you think you know, post it in the comments.

Get your copy on Amazon


logan said...

Hi. Your book looks surprisingly interesting. If you don't mind sending me a pdf of your book i would love to review it and post a review on amazon and my friends writing blog... my email is loganddrury at hot mail. com thanks. And i look forward to reading. If possible pdf would be perfect so i could read it on my tablet

M. Graf-Borgen said...

Thanks for your interest. The book's on the way and I look forward to your review!