Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Day two... We go to a Spa

We spent the morning at the Kabuki Spa in Japantown, not far from the hotel. Being a Minnesotan, I'm a bit leery of pleasure (you never know where it will lead). But a massage and a spa are a couple of the best things you can do for yourself. There's a steam room so full of steam you can't see across the room, and it was incredibly calming to sit and stare at the foggy lights and let myself disappear into the steam. We moved on to the dry room and the hot pool, but the second go-through on the steam room was a bit less serene, as this tall, bearded hippie fellow was salting himself up next to me, and finding that zen sweet spot is a bit tough when you're being pelted with second-hand cleansing salt. Oh well. It was still better than a midwestern winter. Follow that with a dunk in a 55 degree tub, then a nice warm soak, and the shock in contrasting feeling is almost self-punishing enough to be approved of by even the most dour Midwesterner.

Next up, Golden Gate Park.

1 comment:

L.G. said...

Ja, dat dere thing you visited sounds like a spa for sissies! Nope, you gotta go heated up proper in a Finnish sauwna and then jump in a snow bank to do it right, ja know!

None of dis secund hand salt, eider - just vodka straight outta de bottle.

Ja know!

Are you having fun yet?